Heaps of Media for our 40th Anniversary Celebration!

Words Worth Books Marks 40 years in Waterloo

By Spencer Turcotte for CTVNews

Despite the digital wave, the pandemic and the supposed death of independent bookstores, Words Worth Books in Uptown Waterloo is celebrating 40 years.

“It’s pretty rare for an independent bookstore to reach that milestone,” said co-owner Mandy Brouse.

The cherished staple along King Street South was created in 1984, which co-owner David Worsley calls “surreal.”

The duo were long-time employees before taking over the business 13 years ago from original owners Tricia Siemens and Chuck Erion.

Brouse and Worsley maintained a loyal customer base. Along the way, they’ve bookmarked some pretty significant events that shaped the store’s identity.

“We had to move the bookstore over one door to our current location here within the first year of taking over ownership,” said Brouse.

That’s due to out-of-reach rent prices at the time for the size of the store they were in.

The current space is slightly smaller than the early beginnings but the quality never suffered, especially amidst a boom of E-books, which saw chains add other items to the shelves.

“We were going to die with books. We don’t know enough about selling olive oil and towels. And I have no idea what reading socks even are,” said Worsley.

Years later, the plot thickened outside the world of books, which saw several neighbouring businesses close. But the pair managed to keep turning the page.

“There’s proof that you do great work and you're selling something that the community needs and it works. They have gone through obviously the LRT construction transition and then the pandemic and they've done really well,” said Jeyas Balaskanthan, Uptown Waterloo BIA executive director.

Through it all, their love for physical books never wavered.

“You just start to tingle, that’s not going to go away,” said Worsley.

The store has organized numerous literary events, reading groups and community initiatives over the years. The owners are determined to keep the business going for many more years too.

To mark the anniversary, Words Worth Books will host a celebration at the store on Saturday at 1 p.m.

It will include guest appearances from local politicians and the founders of Words Worth Books.

There will also be a presentation of the Words Worthy Award, an accolade that recognizes the profound impact of a Canadian author on both the national literary landscape and the local community.

Words Worth Books Celebrating 40 years in Uptown Waterloo

By Matt Hutcheson for CityNews

Amazon couldn’t do it. E-readers couldn’t do it. LRT construction couldn’t do it and the pandemic couldn’t do it.

Despite so called experts proclaiming the death of the independent book store, Words Worth Books remains a cornerstone of the community.

The staple of Uptown Waterloo is celebrating its 40th anniversary this weekend with a party and everyone’s invited.

Co-owner Mandy Brouse told The Mike Farwell Show some very special guests will be on hand to mark the occasion.

At 1 p.m. we’ll have some speeches with some notable local persons who have been very supportive of our store, including the original owners Tricia Seimens and Chuck Erion,” she said.

Following the speeches and some treats made by a former employee, Brouse and fellow co-owner David Worsley will give out the Words Worthy Award. It’s given to a Canadian author perhaps not receiving the recognition they deserve. It will be the first time in several years the award has been handed out.

Brouse said the celebration is really about the customers and friends.

“It means everything to use. We wouldn’t do a celebration without really showing how much support Words Worth Books has had over 40 years. It really is a community institution.”

Several giveaways will also happen throughout the day. To enter, simply share the event on any of Words Worth’s social media feeds. A grand prize will be awarded to the most creative post.

The festivities begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 11 at 96 King Street South, Uptown Waterloo.

Words Worth Books celebrating 40 years in Waterloo

By Bill Jackson for the Record

Words Worth Books will celebrate its 40th anniversary this Saturday, May 11, in Waterloo.

Festivities begin at 1 p.m. with owners Mandy Brouse and David Worsley joined by local politicians and the business’ founders and previous owners, Tricia Siemens and Chuck Erion.

“We are excited to commemorate this incredible milestone and to continue our mission of promoting the printed word and fostering a love of literature in our community,” said Worsley, in a press release. “Words Worth Books has been a cornerstone of Uptown Waterloo for four decades, and we are entirely grateful to our loyal customers and the community for their ongoing support.”

Since being established in 1984, Words Worth Books has become more than just a bookstore. It’s cultural hub, organizing and supporting numerous literary events, reading groups and community initiatives throughout the year.

Sweet treats and memories will be shared Saturday along with a special announcement presenting the popular Words Worthy Award, which recognizes a Canadian author that’s had a significant impact on Canadian literature and the local literary scene.